Holiday fun

Hello everybody!
I hope you all had a lovely Christmas with friends and family. We are back from our trip up North. We had a wonderful time and wish we could stay longer. Thomas had a fairly unsettled first day there due to travel, new noises and surroundings. The second day, he was back to himself again. Unfortunately we had to resort to swaddling as when Thomas was stressed, he would have his tightenings so we’ll be working on phasing that out again.

I would like to say to everybody that we thank you a million times a trillion for your help and support towards our Givealittle to raise funds to have more therapy for Thomas for the year 2015. Because of you kind people, we are able to now afford two sessions per week for the year. This is what we both really wanted for Thomas. Due to this, I have since closed the page. I will ensure that I keep you all updated with his therapy sessions throughout the year so you can follow his progress.

Thomas’ feeding is generally a struggle when we are out and about with disruptions to his routine so we kept things real simple while up North. We also introduced baked beans into his diet and this is working really well. We are a little limited with ideas of fattening him up with his dairy intolerance. He is a fussy fellow having tried rice cereal, oats, fruits, and avocado with not much luck. How exciting that he liked the baked beans! I’m getting to be a pro with the blender now haha!

Thomas received lots of fabulous and thoughtful gifts for Christmas like a paddling pool, brightly coloured clown, hand made Thomas the Tank material book, xylophone, bibs, kinetic sand, high contrast blanket and hand knitted Christmas stocking.





We wish you all a happy and safe New Years. 🎉