
A list of fantastic websites that I’ll add to over time.


A fantastic parent support network, Parents of Vision Impaired (NZ) Inc. I am proud to be a part of this network since Thomas was very little. They came on board to support us and have remained a strong supporter.


Another wonderful organisation. For my fellow NZers, make sure the referral for Talklink is done as soon as possible due to wait-list times. Once on board, they have been the leading experts in communicative high/low tech devices and relevant equipment.

Feeding Tube Awareness

A fantastic site that I have used many times to learn about the different ways to tube feed which is now a normal, everyday routine for us. Great for friends and family to learn about too.

Cerebral Palsy Society

We are a member of this society. It is a fantastic support network. The vouchers have been extremely helpful for purchasing items of need.

The Blind Foundation

New Zealand’s main provider of practical and emotional support for many New Zealanders who are blind or have low vision. We are currently mostly under the umbrella of BLENNZ who were on the scene first and of course specialise in his age group.


BLENNZ is the Blind and Low Vision Education Network NZ. Another fabulous support network. We attend their Early Childhood Centre every week and receive visits from a qualified Vision Resource Teacher. The Homai Campus based in Manukau, Auckland is stunning! They support from ages 0 -21 years. Website

This page is all about epilepsy and the different forms of epilepsy. Very informative.

The Mighty

A beautiful website that compiles inspiring stories about people facing disease, disorder and disabilities in their lives.

Wonder Baby

A website dedicated to helping parents of young children with visual impairments as well as children with multiple disabilities.

Paths to Literacy

Designed to assist educators and families to provide literacy experiences for children who are blind or visually impaired.

Little Bear Sees

Awesome website all about CVI and they have a fabulous APP specifically designed for children with CVI as well as Low Vision.

CVI Teacher Blog

Another handy website about CVI

Infantile Spasms Project

Everything you need to know about Infantile Spasms with helpful videos too.

Firefly Friends Community

A fantastic website that enables people to connect and communicate about special needs issues. It also features other wonderful blogs.

Family Connect

Family Connect is an online community established by the American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) and the National Association of Parents of Children with Visual Impairments (NAPVI). This site gives parents of visually impaired children a place to support each other, share stories and concerns, and link to local resources and blogs.

CVI Scotland

Another CVI (Cerebral Visual Impairment) website. Lots of handy resources including papers and videos.

Perkins School for the blind

This is an exciting website! I have been exploring this one in regards to continuing education. You can participate in online courses that are self paced or otherwise.

Complex Care for Children at home

A recent one recommended to me regarding ensuring health and safety for children with complex medical needs in the home. Lots of practical tips and printables. Especially ideal for parents/caregivers beginning their journey.



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