Big Mack uses

This is a post dedicated to the use of the Big Mack and the different ways we scaffolded its use. The best way to show thisis through   video which have been uploaded, hopefully in the right order!

Thomas using the Big Mack for the first time

Thomas using a smaller switch to activate a toy

Thomas using his left hand

Thomas using his right hand

Thomas using the Big Mack to get a lolly

Thomas using two Big Macks to get a lolly

Thomas using two Big Macks to get a lolly including activating a bird

Thomas using a Big Mack to get ‘more’ of something

Thomas is currently now using two Big Macks this past week to differentiate whether he wants ‘more’ or ‘no more’ whether it be water or food he is being offered. I have noticed that when I wipe his face after a feed he immediately hits the ‘no more’ button in protest because he doesn’t like his face being wiped! Cheeky monkey!

We have also been using the yellow Big Mack to say ‘yes’ and the red to say ‘no’ when offering him toys. We have noticed that if he accidentally hits the ‘no’ button when he gives the gestures of ‘yes’, he quickly hits the ‘yes’ button and this we take to be a genuine yes. 

We alternate moving the different coloured Big Macks left or right to encourage him to use both arms/hands. From this you will see that Thomas has improved in strength in using both, especially his right side which is tighter.

Thomas has also used the Big Mack to say a repetitive sentence in a book whereby I wait for him to press it with a simple prompt like ‘and’. This showed us that he can follow instructions and know when to press the button with timing. Very smart boy!

We are hoping to get TalkLink on board soon to explore communicative devices. We have been waiting over a year now for this. They will hopefully help give us more ideas of devices and tools we can use. 

It has been very exciting to see Thomas using the Big Mack so purposefully. He continues to surprise me. Such a clever boy!

2 thoughts on “Big Mack uses

  1. That’s great to see how much progress he has made with it! I’m sure it helps him to have a form of communication, and it would be exciting if technology continues to develop so he has more options in the future.


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