About Stacey

Hi and welcome to my blog!

This is a place for me to spew out my thoughts, feelings, and opinions. Another BIG reason I have wanted to establish this blog is to connect with others as well as share information that I so wish I knew when I spent hours and hours researching about my sons conditions among other things.

 I am a first time mummy to a gorgeous wee boy, Thomas, born in Dec. 2013. I have been married 9 years to the most amazing, supportive and loving husband, Joe. Prior to being a mummy, I was teaching at a very busy Hamilton Primary School having recently completed my teacher registration.

In my spare time (what’s that?) I like to watch movies, read, surf the net, do puzzles and cuddle with my cat, Mundai.

Feel free to contact me via email on mrsstaceydodd@hotmail.com if you have any questions or want to make contact. I will make it a priority to get back to you speedily as I know I would have appreciated it. I know how difficult it is to reach out and feel disheartened when people do not get back to you.

Thanks for stopping by.

                                                                                               Thomas about me

4 thoughts on “About Stacey

  1. I hope you two know how amazing you are. Your dedication and commitment show how much you truly love Thomas. I hope this blog site connects you to some inspirational like minded parents who can support you and vice versa. I have forwarded your post to a friend I have in Auzy who has a son with similar conditions. My love to you all, give that wee man a big cuddle from me. Hope to visit soon.


  2. This is an amazing blog Stacey! I never knew you were such a talented writer! It is such a great thing you have done for yourself and for others in your situation. I know this blog will be useful for all those parents out there who have children with similar needs to Thomas. I admire your strength and honesty.
    P.S I can’t wait for my next cuddle (from Thomas that is!… Oh and you of course!)


  3. Hi there, I read your article in PVI and I too have never been to Holland, not true when I think about it I was on a ship there but that was before children in another life at sea what fun we had!, so yes I never made it to Holland. I have read that story many times now over the years and it always makes me sad. My middle Daughter Wendy Rosemary is now 26 years old born here in Taranaki. She was fitting at birth and while I held her first, when the nurse could not get her to feed from my wife she was taken to Neonatal and the nightmare began. I do not think I could have held it together had it not been for my wife, and we have been together for nearly 40 years. That is important because our Dr Pat Tuohy, such a lovely man we could not have had better care anywhere, said “it will either make or break your marriage” so we are still together, which must say a lot about our Wendy. We love her dearly but if you could die from a broken heart I would be long gone! We have pretty much tried everything to help her as you would expect, conductive education when it 1st arrived in NZ, Hyperbaric O2 treatment, drugs, vitamins, special diets, all with no effect. Her condition has resulted in complications which have required surgical treatment at Starship, wonderful people and R MacDonald House great place, and at the end of it all we can only hope she is comfortable. In all that time she has never spoken a word to me, she cannot walk, talk, toilet or feed herself so we have pretty much had to do all these things for her and many more things as well. She is in full time care now but Deb pretty much visits every day and in fact is there now to feed her tea. We have certainly been on a journey, not one by choice but we have had to make it just the same and along the way we have met some truly lovely people which is how Wendy has made such a contribution to our life. If she had not come along then I would have missed out on so much but then it is hard not to think of how much she has missed. Well enough of my rambling we have plenty to look forward to our eldest Fiona is to marry on the 6th of December and Wendy will be with her as the home she stays in has kindly allowed us the use of the gardens for the ceremony, and while Wendy does not understand it is important to Fiona and all of us to have her there.
    Well I can only wish you the best of luck on your journey and offer my support, you are welcome to contact me and I will try to help with a kind word.


    • Hi David,
      Thanks for visiting the blog and sharing your story. Congratulations on Fiona’s upcoming wedding. How exciting! It is good to hear that Wendy will be there too. Sorry it took me a while to respond. I was at the PVI conference for the weekend and now Thomas is cutting his first bottom teeth.
      It is so lovely that you and Deb have remained strong. It is a tough journey so having someone to go through it with and support one another is so important.I am very thankful for my husband’s support. It sounds like you have tried a lot of different treatments. I agree with you about hoping they are comfortable. I only hope that Thomas is in not too much pain or discomfort. It is often quite difficult to tell though isn’t it?
      Many thanks again for sharing your story with me.
      Take care for now.


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